
La fille





Moments to keep

Dinner @ AMK 180708

8 Sisters' Picnic Video
Bang Bang
Eat Crab
Word of Thanks


xBrenda [Bter]
xElizabeth [Eli]
xHuey Ying
xJia Wen
xJia Yuan
xLim Wwei
xMelissa Yong
xSiew Ting
xSihua & Vonne
xValerie Zhang
xWanru [Big Baby]
xWen An
xWei Yun
xYi You [Faith]
xYu Sin
xZi Hui

*Felicia N
*Ming Kai
*Nian Shun [Pony]
*Ning Xing [Soixante]

>Jie Ying
>Ming Cheng
S.C <3
>Wen Ping
>Wen Xin
>Xiang Ling

~Hong Wei
~Jessica L


^Andy Ling
^Zaqie [Charlie]

Memories In Time


April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
April 2009
July 2009
May 2010


Design & coding: Theresa
Fonts: dafont
Icons: _coquettish
Pattern: kollermedia

Monday, August 18, 2008



Felicia Nah, you'd better be having a good time!

Though I'm not alone in the lab,
but I guess I'm feeling worse.

I feel like I am dying.


s e n s e d @ 3:15 PM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Make me SLEEP!!!

It's the witching hour...
and I can't sleep.

Those snores makes it hard for me to shut the sounds...
That scratch from her toe nail makes me unable to forget about my physical presence.

Lala Land is so far away tonight/ today.
Panda eyes never desert though.

now the tap seems to be leaking.

No tv programme to watch,
no entertainment.

I look like crap
in the mirror.


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s e n s e d @ 3:33 AM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

It's the company that matter...

Hougang Mall has never been more fun to walk around than today.

Cute toy shop, which has lots of amusing things.
Eg, the Growing Pets, which Feli's mum was once crazy over.
But I really think they get kind of ugly as they 'grow up'.

We were looking at these 2 particular nail colours, when an aunty decided to join us.
We did try them out... in discrete.
We moved on, and she continued her hunt.
Man, the way she hunt.
Sounded as if she was doing some serious cooking on the wok.
ZHA ZHa Zha...~
After we have made our purchases, that aunty was still searching.
As we were near the extrance/exit, she asked the sales lady if she could try them out because the colours will turn out differently from the way they look.
She had more than 6 bottles held in her hand....
'Cannot try, try already everyone will want to try and no one will want to buy', was the reply she had.
She looked at me, when dear Felicia hurried her way out of the shop by another way.
Sorry, but Aunty, you're not a very wise shopper at your age...
Had a good laugh over this...

Popular fair at the atrium
Looking at this Hello Kitty notebook which has page indicator.
The wordings written on it was not very impressive, in other words, not very good english.
'C**** english' was what Feli said.
Why '* English? and not T***** english?'
But we came across this page which as a word that both of us don't know...
'Chim' was what I said.
She made fun of me.. saying I'm being mean to critise.
Who started it first, my dear girl?

But there was a good phrase on it:
No one can call back yesterday, yesterday will not be called back again.
Laughed really hard there cause she actually said:
cannot call yesterday, yesterday cannot be called when I asked her to help me remember.

Eating cold Otah on benches
'Otah drop on my bag, Wei San how, tomorrow my bag smell like Otah, I carry otah smell everywhere with me.'
Which was quite true... we kept smelling otah even when we were sniffing at perfumes...



Thanks for the company today.
Thanks for waiting for me to finish up before heading out with me.
Thanks for all the smiles you brought onto my face.

You just don't know what plans I had if you were not going to keep me company.
I actually intend to go somewhere alone.
Sounds like a loser?
No choice.

Anyway, having a friend like you will never make me a loser!
Love lots~

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s e n s e d @ 11:38 PM

Run alone.

Good thing that the campus run made me so tired.
Had a good run in the sun.
Had a good nap in the clubhouse.

The night got cold...
Exceptions always happen,
don't they?

Probably exercise is good.
Makes you tired,
makes you stop thinking.

But it makes you look stupid running in the afternoon,
under the hot sun,
all alone.

Looks like a despaired person.
That's what someone told me.

I am finally settling down to read...

but I find my mind somewhere else
Cold Turkey.


s e n s e d @ 10:17 AM

Monday, August 11, 2008



s e n s e d @ 12:33 AM

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Personality Pattern

This is what I got out of the test done on facebook.
Tell me if it's not true of me.

Give it a try if you have a facebook account or you may want to sign-up just to try it.

You behave in a confident and forceful manner, take charge of the situation, raise your hand in class, stand up for what you think is right, and lead others.
You are not interested in fading into the woodwork, leaving everything to fate, taking more time than necessary to accomplish a task, or avoiding confrontation.
Among those who have a high score on the "assertive" trait, many have jobs in which they are valued for their organizational skills as well as their talent for supervising others.

You have a genuine interest in other people. You're a natural host, and are always thinking about how you can increase the happiness of those around you. When friends have problems or are in trouble, you're usually the first person they turn to for aid and comfort.
You don't always say exactly what you're thinking; you don't like the idea of causing anyone pain because of your criticism.
Scoring high on the "warm" trait suggests that you are among those who enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.

You are willing to take the time to find out what's going on with other people, especially if they're in distress. You're a good listener, you don't criticize, and you offer unbiased, respectful, honest advice when it's requested.
You don't feel the need to impose your standards on others or say things that, even though true, cause pain.
With a high score on the "understanding" trait, it is likely that you are enthusiastic about charitable work, helping others, and making the world a better place.

You let it all hang out, and those around you always know what you're going through.
You are not isolated from your emotions; no one would call you "cold-blooded," or even "cool as a cucumber."

You appreciate art, beauty, and design; you know that they are not superficial but absolutely crucial to living the good life. You have good taste, and you're proud of it.
You don't think it's pretentious to be moved by art and beauty. You're not one of those who believe it doesn't matter what something looks like as long as it does its job.
Those with a high score on the "aesthetic" trait are often employed in literary or artistic professions, enjoy domestic activities — doing things around the house — and are enthusiastic about the arts, reading, and travel.

You strive to master everything you undertake. You tend to learn quickly and do not shy away from challenges.
You are not a "que sera sera" type of person, nor do you go easy on yourself when attempting to master a new skill or get a job done.

You have a knack for knowing what's going on in the hearts and minds of those around you, without their having to tell you explicitly. People tend to turn to you with their problems because they know you care, and that you will likely offer good advice and a helping hand.
You do not feel that people with sad stories are just looking for attention, or have brought their problems upon themselves.

You enjoy helping others, lending a hand, providing emotional or material sustenance. You don't see taking care of others as an imposition but as a vital and important part of your life.
You're not the kind of person who runs out of patience for people in need, nor do you feel that treating people with kindness is bad because it insulates them from the harsh realities of life.

You don't see the need to share what you're thinking and feeling with everyone in the world, and you tend to present yourself in a somewhat formal way in order to keep your inmost thoughts to yourself.
You do not consider yourself a "free spirit," whatever that may be, and you're not comfortable expressing yourself without a bit of self-censorship.
A high score on the "private" trait is a likely indicator that you are among those who can be happily occupied at home, away from the crowds, but, when the time comes, are equally enthusiastic about packing your bags and taking a trip.

You are an honest, fair person. You don't lie or cheat to get ahead. You treat others with respect and hope for the same in return.
You do not feel that you are above the rules that everyone else follows; you are definitely not willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead.


s e n s e d @ 11:30 PM

Long lost feelings...

It was a good choice to attend the school's National Day Celebrations.

I don't deny that we were not very good audiences -
went in late,
not very high.

Were there for a reason anyway - to support LSCT.
Man, they rock!
Simple, entertaining skit.
Love it.

Even poly is still into the sing National Day Song thing.
But it was good...
Never had such feelings in years.
Miss those secondary days when we had sing-along sessions just to learn all the National Day Songs.
Having fun together, doing the Roar together.
All the laughters.
Now everyone is off to Universities already...

The day was good... happy in general.

The rotten part was waiting for the SBS bus for more than 30min and still didn't turn up.
Had to take another way home instead.
Imagine you're someone using adult fare, changing bus 3 times when you can get a direct bus.
So it's Time VS Money, right?

It was true that I didn't want to get home early.
That's why I ended spending an hour in PF's house.
But I did want to get home by 8pm to watch the Olympics opening ceremony.
All thanks to the bus that never turned up,
I got home late, had to walk at super speed home as well.

Oh wells... got over it after all...
It's not worth getting so fuming mad, why be?
When we can always have a choice to make our days better.


s e n s e d @ 1:35 PM